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How to do
[Inclined Pull-up Workout]

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Inclined Pull-ups

(Disclaimer: if you're unable to find a inclined pull-up bar and are using the two chairs and a stick, ensure that it is completely strong and stable as you may get injured if it breaks.  Should the set-up be unstable, remove this exercise from your workout completely.)

Inclined pull-ups train targets the muscles of your upper body, particularly those in your back, arms, and shoulders. Doing more inclined pull-ups can allow you to get used to doing them


  • knees bent / higher bar / underhand grip (Easy)

  • Normal


Dead hang

Dead hangs train your arms and grip strength. Many people have the arm strength for more pull-ups, but are unable to because they lack grip strength.


Negative Pull-ups


Negative pull-ups, though it is not easy, it builds up strength in your arms, back and shoulders and can benefit your inclined pull-ups




Planks are a good exercise to strengthen your core, which is used to stabilise your body when doing inclined pull-ups, maintaining proper form and control.



  • Modified (Easy)

  • Normal 

  • Plank Hip Taps (Hard)





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